In addition to refinishing and installing hardwood floors, we now offer a deep cleaning service to maintain the cleanliness of your home and scrub away any built up dirt or grime on any of your hard flooring surfaces. Read up on our newest service and the equipment we use below!
The Bona PowerScrubber is a compact yet powerful, twin brush, scrubbing machine that can be used for Deep Cleaning on wood floors and other hard surfaces. A smart design also makes this a "safe" unit for wood floors - using a top-down approach to dispense the cleaning solution and dual vacuum chambers for quick and thorough pick-up! This environmentally responsible cleaner leaves no residue and will not dull the floor's finish. Revive the natural glow of your floors with this quick beautification system. Our innovative deep cleaning system is the safest, quickest, and easiest way to remove all the dirt, grime and build up on your floors. This system is safe for all hard surface floors, including all hardwood, tile, stone or marble floors! Contact us today for a quote!